Total Medals Earned: 1,126 (From 197 different games.) Total Medal Score: 11,805 Points
Medals Earned: 2/35 (10/500 points)
Feed your pet 5 food items
Defeat King Slime
Explore 7 floors
Discover 7 warps
Beat Zombie Defense on Hard
Upgrade equipment 20 times
Defeat Rock
Defeat Bop
Explore 15 floors
Spend 30 points on the Fighter Tech Tree
Spend 30 points on the Healer Tech Tree
Collect 20 types of monsters in the Bestiary
Have one character reach level 10
Have one character reach level 25
Have one character reach level 5
Spend 30 points on the Mage Tech Tree
Defeat one of the three rare monsters in the game
Acquire a total of 50,000 Gold
Defeat Rock Twice
Spend 30 points on the Rogue Tech Tree
Feed your pet 30 food items
Discover 15 warps
Defeat 5 Kings in the Wanted List
Defeat Bop Twice
Complete the Bestiary
Beat Zombie Defense on Expert
Explore 30 floors
Defeat all the Kings in the Wanted List
Have one character reach level 50
Complete the MISSING quest line
Defeat Dargon
Complete the STOLEN quest line
Discover all warps
Defeat Ultimate Dargon
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/38 (5/500 points)
Win your first battle!
Completed Chapter I
Used Lina's Cursed Dagger
Used D's Dragon's Roar
Completed Guardian tree
Completed Healer tree
Completed Mage tree
Used Kaz's Rend
Completed Slayer tree
Used Mari's Snipe
Completed Thief tree
Completed Trickster tree
Completed Chapter II
Completed Chapter III
Completed Chapter IV
Complete all Defense quests
Used D's Dragon's Breath
Fished all Rares
Hackpicked all locked chests
Used Kaz's Hurricane
Used Lina's Lucky Strike
Used Mari's Magic Bullet
Completed Mercenary Defense
Achieved Pet level 10
Get gold on track 3 of Snowboard Extreme
Completed all Wanted quests
Completed the Bestiary
Completed Chapter V
Used Lina's Cyclone Dance
Used Kaz's Death's Gate
Clear out Doom Lair
Used D's Dragon's Rage
Clear out Giant Land
Clear out the Sunken Ruins
Used Mari's Trigger Happy
Completed all Wanted X quests
Clear out Lao Prison
Medals Earned: 5/20 (55/630 points)
Fiddle with the settings
Get a 10 hit Combo
Get a 20 hit Combo
Keep Full Speical for 30 seconds
Collect 100 orbs
Use all of main Character's attacks
Complete Normal Mode
Use all Vandier's attacks
Force 5 enemies to fall to death
Kill all eneimies
Complete Hard Mode
Die to the hands of Vandheer Lorde
Force 10 enemies to fall to death
Keep Full Speical for 60 seconds
Get a 50 hit Combo
Die to the hands of the Lone Warrior
Complete Culmination in 8 minutes
Collect all Awards
Get a 60 hit Combo
Complete Culmination without dying
Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/125 points)
Start playing.
Mine 25 times.
Catch 5 fish.
Pay off 50% of your mortgage.
Buy your fist tool from the mart. (I'd recommend a fishing rod :b)
Spend $10,000 at the mart.
Mine 5 times.
Catch 25 fish.
Pay off 10% of your mortgage.
Buy every shirt.
Catch 50 fish.
Mine 50 times
Find the hidden Golden Astronaut token.
Medals Earned: 1/3 (25/80 points)
Beat the game
Beat the game without taking damage
Medals Earned: 1/42 (10/485 points)
Manage 2 consecutive overkills!
Hit 10 combos!
Do 10 counters!
Hit 100 damages!
Defend from 10 attacks!
Use potions to recover 100 HP!
Execute 2 consecutive combos!
Manage 2 consecutive counters!
Manage 3 consecutive damage!
Hit 100 combos!
Hit 50 combos!
Do 100 counters!
Do 50 counters!
Hit 10000 damages!
Hit 1000 damages!
Defend from 100 attacks!
Defend from 50 attacks!
Deal 100 earth damage!
Spend 1000 or more gold!
Deal 100 fire damage!
Use potions to recover 5000 HP!
Use potions to recover 1000 HP!
Execute 4 consecutive combos!
Manage 3 consecutive counters!
Manage 4 consecutive damage!
Manage 3 consecutive overkills!
End a battle with only one member left in Extreme mode!
Finish a battle without taking any damage in Extreme mode!
Overkill with 50 damage!
Overkill with 1000 damage!
Overkill with 500 damage!
Finish a battle in only one turn in Extreme mode!
Have 5000 or more gold!
Execute 6 consecutive combos!
Manage 4 consecutive counters!
Manage 5 consecutive damage!
Manage 4 consecutive overkills!
Collect 1000 gold!
Deal 100 water damage!
Deal 100 wind damage!
Finish the campaign!
Finish the campaign with all challenges cleared!
Medals Earned: 6/11 (55/250 points)
Delete your saved data to re-begin your adventure.
Destroy the first boss.
Finish the tutorial.
Destroy th second boss.
Destroy the third boss
Destroy the fourth boss.
Destroy the fith boss.
Destroy the sixth boss.
Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/50 points)
Beat the first boss.
Beat the second boss.
Beat Classic mode.
Beat the game.
Beat the game with at least $100B left.
Medals Earned: 11/20 (90/500 points)
Open the Options->Accessibility menu
Open the options menu
Earn 5 blue stars
Open the tips menu
Open the Options->Miscellaneous menu
Open the Options->Controls menu
Earn 5 gold stars
Earn 10 blue stars
Earn 10 gold stars
Earn 15 blue stars
Earn 21 blue stars
Earn 15 gold stars
Earn 21 gold stars
Medals Earned: 10/10 (275/275 points)
Jump on the enemy in 'TRUST'.
Dont commit suicide in 'SUICIDE'.
Attempt to use the arrow keys in 'PLEASE WAIT'.
Use the button to create a bridge.
Get the fake ending: press ESCAPE in 'THE END'. According to SWFStats only 13% of players get this ending.
Skip the spring in 'BREAKTHROUGH'.
Don't kill the creature in 'REFLEX'.
Don't kill the creatures in 'DROP3'.
Get the 'Trapped Forever' ending. According to SWFStats 60% of population get this ending.
Get the 'Free' ending. According to SWFStats only 11% of population get this ending. Do you want to be that special?